If you want to convert cloth seats to leather in your Honda Accord, leather-seat kits area available. The leather kit can be purchased to look like factory Accord leather seats, or it can be custom made with different colors and textures. One person can replace the cloth with leather in an Accord in only a few hours if using the proper tools.
Unbolt the seats from the floor by using a ratchet and 17 mm bolt out of the metal frame legs that are attached to the floor. Once the seats are removed from the Accord, use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the bottom of the seat from the plastic base. Place the seats on a flat work surface. Pull the headrests off of the seats by pulling them straight up.
Remove the cloth. The cloth can't be reused and will probably tear while you remove it, so use a razor blade or utility knife to cut it off of the seats. Cut carefully so the foam on the seat isn't cut too much. It's best to cut along a seam on the seat so the cloth can be easily pulled off. Use wire cutters to cut the old hog rings off along the seat frame where the cloth is attached.
Turn the leather inside out and place it upside down over the seat. Unroll it and work it down over the seat, making sure it fits properly from the top down. Once at the bottom, make sure the leather reaches down far enough to be attached with the hog rings. Use the hog ring pliers to attach the leather to the bottom of the seat frame, where the old rings were.
Push any wrinkles out with your hands, working the wrinkle to the closest edge and massaging the seat and leather until the wrinkle move out. Install the seats.