While for some individuals the trunk of their car is simply a place to store the spare tire and various emergency equipment for the car, for others a trunk is a spacious environment that is waiting to be filled with customized aftermarket accessories, including speaker systems, security systems, amplifiers, television sets, built-in coolers and more. Customization can take a variety of paths based purely upon personal preference.
Decide exactly how you want to customize your car trunk. Build speaker frames for speakers, a rack for your amplifier, a case for a mini-fridge, or anything else you can come up with. Purchase supplies from your local home improvement store. 2-by-4 wood is the easiest to use to build frames, so buy an appropriate length based upon what you think you need to build your frame.
Measure for the length of your frame and cut the wood down to size. To frame in side speaker boxes, measure the speaker boxes themselves and cut a frame to fit within the interior of the trunk. Use the spare tire depression found in most trunks to pad and frame in a space for amplifiers or a power unit for a fridge or TV, with wiring going wherever you see fit (such as around the interior of the trunk, or down through the trunk and under the vehicle).
Cut any wood down to size with the circular saw. Put on your safety glasses and work gloves before operating the saw. Hold the wood firmly in one hand and operate the saw with the other. Do not let the wood move while you are cutting, as this could cause the blade to kick back.
Finish the frames and mount them in the vehicle by screwing them into the frame of the car or the trunk. Insert the speaker boxes (or other accessories) inside. Use the padding to create a bed to rest the frames on. Cut it down to size with a utility knife. Cover the frames and other areas with upholstery of your choosing, and use Velcro stripping to keep the upholstery in place.