How to Make Your Car Girly

How to Make Your Car Girly

Many women like to add feminine touches to their surroundings. Vehicles are usually no exception. Most vehicles aren't exceptionally "girly" on their own, as they don't typically feature items that emit of femininity. For instance, a general survey of the largest woman's magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Vogue, reveal that most gals prefer flowers, both bright and soft colors, and fragrance. These features are not standard in most vehicles. If you want to amp up the girly factor of your vehicle, however, there are a few accessories you can add to make your ride one of the girls.

Things You'll Need

  • Rear view mirror decorations
  • Seat belt, steering wheel, seat and shift knob covers
  • License plate tags
  • Magnets
  • Air freshener
  • Flower holder
  • Place a brightly-colored lei around your rear-view mirror. The flowers will add an element of femininity to the car. You can also hang a decorative beaded necklace or a crystal pendant attached to a chain around the mirror.

  • Attach covers over your seat belts that display girly themes, such as flowers, fairies, tiaras and the like. Not only will they make your car more girly, they will make it more comfortable, as well.

  • Place a fuzzy or brightly-colored cover over your steering wheel. Your steering wheel is one of the first things people notice when entering your car, especially when there is a fun cover fitted over it. Just make sure you can still operate the wheel correctly when the cover is on.

  • Place girly covers over your seats. Girly seat covers typically feature animal print, bright colors, flowers, fairies and tiaras. Some even have crystals embedded in the fabric. Such seat covers add a feminine feel to your car and make it more comfortable, as well.

  • Attach customized or feminine license plate tags to your car, if your state allows. You can request plates that feature any picture or wording you desire, or purchase plates that are pre-made and include feminine items, such as crystals or flowers.

  • Place feminine magnets on the outside of your car. A variety of magnets are available to help your car look more girly, including flowers and paw prints.

  • Cover your shift knob with a decorative element. A variety of shift knobs are available, but perhaps the most eye-catching are the kinds that are covered in crystals.

  • Place air fresheners in your car. You car can't be officially girly unless it smells good. Clip on a nice-smelling fragrance to a visor or place a jar of the air freshener in the center of your car. Choose fragrances that aren't too strong, as they could cause you and your passengers to experience headaches.

  • Place a flower holder in your car and keep brightly-colored fake or fresh flowers inside. Flowers are perhaps the most girly accessory you can find and keeping some in your car will instantly add femininity to your ride.