The natural state of a cargo van is a bare, sheet-metal floor. Long, thin strips are punched into the sheet-metal floor lengthwise so that when you brush your hand from one wheel well to the other, it undulates every 2 or 3 inches. This feature strengthens the structure of the floor and provides a sturdy base for whatever cargo you wish to haul.
Clean the metal floor with a broom or a vacuum cleaner.
Spread newspaper across the metal floor and around the wheel wells. The newspaper serves as a template from which to cut out the plywood for your floor.
Cut the newspaper to size and tape all the pieces together so you get a copy of the floor plan of the cargo van in a single, taped tapestry of newspaper sheets.
Cut the template in half, lengthwise, so that you have two long, thin halves. Trace each half onto a separate piece of plywood and cut the plywood using a hacksaw.
Screw the plywood down onto the sheet metal of the cargo van floor.