The 2008 Ford Focus is a four-door sedan with a four- or six-cylinder engine, depending on the model. The process for installing and connecting an amplifier and subwoofers is the same for both models. The amplifier and subwoofers should be placed in the trunk of the 2008 Ford Focus, and the wires need to be run along the passenger side of the vehicle up to the stereo in the dashboard. The power cord will run through the firewall up to the battery. The dashboard retaining screws on the passenger side of the dashboard must be removed in order to gain access to the rear of the stereo to connect all of the wires.
Open the trunk of the 2008 Ford Focus and pull the floor cover off the trunk frame and locate a secure place on the metal trunk frame to ground the amp. Connect the 12-gauge amplifier wire to the metal frame of the trunk by a screw on the frame. Connect the opposite end of the ground wire to the ground connection on the amplifier. Tighten the connection on the amp with a screwdriver.
Connect the speaker wire to the speaker and connect the opposite ends of those wires to their corresponding connections on the amplifier. Tighten the connections on the amplifier with the screwdriver.
Connect the RCA cables to the amplifier by their corresponding colored connections. Connect the 12-gauge amplifier wire to the power connection on the amplifier. Tighten the connection on the amplifier for the power wire using the screwdriver.
Lead the amplifier wires up to the front of the 2008 Ford Focus along the passenger side. As you guide the amplifier's wires to the front, loosen the door panel screws at the bottom of the door frame and tuck the wires under the paneling. Tighten the screws using the screwdriver.
Remove the securing screws from the dashboard on the passenger side and pull the dashboard outward. Connect the RCA cables to the stereo to their corresponding colored connections. Replace the dashboard in its original position and replace the securing screws.
Pull the floor cover off of the floor on the passenger side and locate the hole in the firewall. Push the power wire through the hole in the firewall. Open the hood of the 2008 Ford Focus and guide the power wire to the battery and connect it to the positive stem on the battery.