Pillar-mounted gauges for Ford vehicles are easy to install, but first you need to know how to remove the Ford A-pillar cover trim. This interior trim covers the upright post of the windshield, left of the driver. A-pillar mounts place gauges closer to eye level which is preferred among professional drivers. This style of gauge mounting allows you to install boost, transmission temperature, and/or exhaust gas temperature gauges directly to the existing trim once the A-pillar cover is removed.
Open the driver’s side front door of your Ford. Sit inside the vehicle and examine the trim cover before removing the Ford A-pillar to mount new gauges. Some models have audio systems that have pillar-mounted tweeters. Inspect and determine if the A-pillar of your Ford is so equipped.
Place a piece of masking tape with the adhesive facing you in between the top edge of the Ford A-pillar and the window weather stripping that covers the top edge of the trim cover. With the tape sticking to the weather stripping you can protect the weather stripping from getting caught up in the pillar as it is removed.
Grasp the top edge of the Ford A-pillar at both ends, near the windshield and door frame. Use a screwdriver to make a separation big enough to insert your pulling fingers. Once you can grab and hold the top edge of the A-pillar, you’ll be ready to remove it.
Pull the top edge of the Ford A-pillar up and toward yourself to get it out. There are no screws or clips holding it in place; only its shape keeps it secured tightly. You can attach all the gauges and pass the wiring through the old A-pillar trim piece once the base of the A-pillar is free from the back edge of the Ford dashboard, and the A-pillar is pulled away from the remaining interior.