Though technology has come into play in many ways, the basics of auto upholstery are still just about the same as they have been since the beginning. Take a couple of nice large pieces of material and cut them up into neat little pieces and sew them all back together to achieve the fit and look desired. From the GOOD ol' "tuck-n-roll" to gathering and deep listing, or even the over-stuffed and gathered look most of this has been done very much the same way since it all started with a model "A."
Simple accents in the upholstery of a car can be affected through use of color, print, and texture of the materials. A cloth face (where the body touches the seat and back rest) warms the feel while keeping the durability in the bands (side pieces) using tough vinyl or leather. Leather can be used for the entire seat however it can be costly. Some exposed stitches sewn into the face, known as pleats, add some flare. Another technique is to separate the two parts at the seam; it is common to use welt cord "beading" (material wrapped around a thin cord) sewn in the middle of the seam. The material used for beading can be any material or color to match or contrast the scheme. The "less is more" attitude most often works best.
A more sculptured look can be created using listing. This is a process by which a light cloth is sewn to the back of the faces, usually at the pleats. It is used to pull the material down into a much deeper contour normally having a rod inserted for the consistency of the pull. Then it is either glued or attached using "hog rings" to a solid inner structure of the seat frame. Gathering is another way to give a more plush feel, often used behind a face pleat; the thread tension is increased to pull the material, or a piece of elastic is sewn in as it is pulled tight while sewing through both pieces. These techniques both make very even and aesthetically pleasing small wrinkles along the line of the pleat. Both are generally used along with the over-stuffed look. Elastic is also used to gather the top of a pocket sewn into the back of the seat or sides of the band to allow for expansion.
The new and old style materials used for padding and over-stuffing are limitless. Contour can now be achieved on the interior where it is not seen or in a location where it is showing. Batting is an important element that effects the over-stuffed look. While things such and confor/tempra foam (memory foam) can give a flat look with a deep feel. Regular open cell foam can be cut and shaped with different densities to create endless comfort and shaping options. Both standard foam and confor foam can be combined with a touch of batting to give the best of all worlds—basic feel, looks and overall comfort.