The Best Type of Window Tint

The Best Type of Window Tint

The best type of window tint for your car depends on what effect you're trying to achieve. If all you want is dark windows, then even the cheapest tints will do the job. Thermal insulation, however, requires something a little more specialized.


  • As window tints go, you get what you pay for. Cheaper tints like those found in chain stores often use inferior adhesives and are prone to premature fading.

Factory Tint

  • Factory window tint often has the best longevity, since it is applied under carefully controlled conditions and is usually superior "deep-dyed" tint.

Dyed Tints

  • Always buy the highest quality you can afford when shopping for dyed tints, since the best adhesives available aren't cheap.

Metalized Tints

  • These reflective tints are good looking, tend to have decent longevity and do an acceptable job of reflecting external heat.

Crystalline Tints

  • The newest generation of crystalline tint additives can be combined with dyed films to produce a product that looks good, lasts practically forever and resists intrusion by both UV and infra-red (heat-producing) radiation.