How Can I Make a Four-Lug Rim Fit on a Five-Lug Car?

How Can I Make a Four-Lug Rim Fit on a Five-Lug Car?

Placing four-lug wheels on a car designed for five-lug wheels can be easily done with a wheel adapter, which consists of two plates. The innermost plate attaches to the hub with open-ended lug nuts. The outer plate has studs installed that line up with the four holes on the wheels. Once the adapter is bolted on, the wheels install like normal.

Things You'll Need

  • Jack
  • Jack stand
  • Lug wrench
  • Lug nuts
  • Socket wrench
  • Jack up the car with a floor jack or the jack included with the spare tire. Place a jack stand next to the jack and lower the car onto it. Never work on a car supported only by the jack.

  • Remove the lug nuts with a lug wrench. Pull the wheel off of the car, lay it on its side and slide it underneath the vehicle. This serves as an extra line of protection in the event of jack stand failure.

  • Slide a five-lug-to-four-lug adapter over the car's wheel studs. Install the included nuts over each of the five studs. Hand-tighten them until the adapter is held against the hub, but is still loose enough to wiggle around. Adjust the adapter until the center hole in the adapter is aligned with the hole in the hub as closely as possible. This will help eliminate any potential vibration. Firmly tighten each nut with a socket wrench.

  • Slide the four-lug wheel on the studs protruding from the adapter. Install each of the wheel's lug nuts and lower the car to the ground. Tighten the lug nuts again with a lug wrench to ensure that they are sufficiently secure.