Rims are a popular upgrade for drivers who want their car to have a flashy, high-end look. With so many types of rims and manufacturers on the market, it can be difficult to distinguish between a high-quality rim and a cheaply made replica. Replica wheel rims may save you money at first, but with the weaker cast alloy construction, they have a better chance of cracking or breaking than a rim that is made of a forged alloy. Also, replica rims are often made without regard to safety standards, which could be dangerous.
Check the rim for indicators of the manufacturer or the country they were made in. Search for a brand stamp both on the outside and the inside and for a stamp that indicates where it was made. Many fake rims are produced in China, whereas genuine rims are produced in Japan and Europe, depending on the car they are meant for.
Compare the rim with photos of genuine rims. Many reproductions are slightly off on the appearance when compared with genuine rims.
Compare the weight of the rim to one that is certainly a genuine rim. Replica rims will often weigh much more than genuine rims. Cast rims are heavier than forged rims, and many replica manufacturers will use lower-grade metals to produce their rims at a lower cost.
Consult an online forum that discusses car modifications and rims to see if they can help you identify whether your rim as genuine.