Polishing is a crucial stage of any car-care regime. A great way to perform a thorough polishing routine is to use a powered buffer fitted with a polishing bonnet over a polishing pad. The bonnet is made from extra-soft fabrics that are specially designed to work with paint finish. Using the bonnet allows you to evenly distribute various polishing compounds which will leave you car with a professional-looking sheen.
Connect the power buffer to a power source, and attach the polishing pad to the head. Push the pad mount down onto the head until the pad fits securely into place.
Slide the polishing bonnet over the pad so the edges wrap all around and hold snugly onto the buffer. If your bonnet has elastic around the edges, the bonnet will hold itself in place, but if there is a drawstring, you will have to pull the strings tight to get the right fit.
Place 1 tsp. of polish anywhere on the side of the bonnet that touches the car. It doesn't make a difference where you put the compound as the bonnet will spin and move the polish around.
Place the buffer flat against your car so the entire bonnet is in contact with the paint. Use light pressure to hold the buffer in place, but don't push the bonnet against the car. If you are working on a corner or other uneven area, make sure whatever part of the bonnet that is touching the car is completely flat on the paint.
Turn on the power buffer, and move the bonnet in sideways figure eight motions. Work in a 2-foot wide square at a time for proper distribution. Keep polishing until all of the polish from the pad is on the car. Apply more polish to the bonnet as needed and work your way over the entire car in the same way.
Remove the used bonnet and replace it with a clean one. Gently work the clean against the car to remove any polish residue using the same motion as before but without any compound. Switch out the bonnet for a new one if it becomes too dirty or full of residue.