The tag inside the door on all Ford vehicles refers, in an alpha-numeric code, to the vehicle's exterior paint colors, the vehicle's interior trim, the radio that was installed at the factory, the vehicle's axle configuration, its transmission, the spring assembly, the wheelbase, the vehicle's brakes and the tape or paint pinstripe. Once you know the location of the codes on the door tag and to what they refer, you can contact your Ford dealership to decipher their meaning.
Find the exterior paint color code, shown on the tag as "Ext Pnt," and usually in the first position on the tag. Decode it by connecting the numbers and letters to the standard Ford colors. If there are two sets of codes, the first is the main vehicle color; the second is the accent color.
Locate the code for the vehicle's wheelbase in the first position on the bottom row of the door tag, preceded by the letters "WB." Contact your Ford dealership with this information to determine your wheelbase.
Look for the code for your vehicle's brakes in the second position in the bottom row of the door tag. Right before the code you will see the letters "Brk." Consult with your Ford dealership to ascertain the meaning of the code.
Locate the interior trim code by looking for the letters "Int Tr," located in the third position on the bottom line. The letters will tell you the design and color of the interior trim. Your Ford dealership can tell you what the letter designation means.
Find the code for your vehicle's pinstripe by locating the numbers immediately following "Tp/Ps" on the bottom line of the door tag. Ask your Ford dealership for the color using these numbers.
Find the radio code, which is located under the code line and delineated with the letter "R." Decode by giving the number or letter of the radio code to your Ford dealer.
Find the axle code, next to the radio code, shown as "Axle." Decipher the code, connecting the numbers and letters to the correct axle by inquiring at your Ford dealership.
Locate the transmission code, which you will find next to the axle code. It will be shown on the tag as "TR." When you give this code to a Ford dealer, he or she will be able to confirm the type of transmission your car has.
Look for the spring code, shown in the last spot on the tag as "Spr." Determine the spring by the letter designation. Your Ford dealer can help you with that.