There are many reasons why one may need to mix auto paint. DuPont auto paints can be mixed to create a different color, to lighten an existing color or to darken a color to different shade. It's important to know the proper techniques to achieve the best results. For instance, using a plain wooden stirring stick by hand will cause uneven mixing, which will give you spots in your auto paint that will show as non-uniform.
Pour the DuPont auto paints into a bucket big enough to accommodate all of the paint you intend to use. For instance, if you have two gallons of paint, make sure that your bucket can hold at least two to three gallons
Place the mixing paddle onto the drill. Mixing paddles come with a hole, or shaft that the drill can directly be placed into. Push the paddle directly onto the drill until you hear a click. Some paddles may have the option to turn them once they are on to lock them onto the drill.
Place the drill with paddle attached into the paint. Do not place it in while on or it will splash paint outside the bucket. Once the paddle is in the paint, turn the drill on to the lowest setting.
Raise the drill up through the DuPont auto paint one inch at a time. Start from the bottom and slowly raise up by one-inch increments to create an even mixture.
Mix for five to seven minutes. Turn off the drill before removing it to avoid paint splattering.