If you have a vehicle that you really want to make shine, you may be doing a little car detailing on your own. If the vehicle has been waxed in the past, there is a chance that there may be some wax buildup on the car. Wax buildup can be unsightly on your vehicle, but it is something that you can easily take care of on your own with a little scrubbing. Depending on how stubborn the wax buildup is, you may need to try more than one cleanup method.
Use a pre-wax cleaner if you are attempting to remove the wax buildup before applying a new coat of wax. Proper Auto Care recommends using a pre-wax cleaner of the same brand as the wax that you are going to apply. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the pre-wax cleaner package. Alternatively, you can purchase a wax and degreaser product from your local auto store.
Add some Dawn dish liquid to a bucket of water for a solution you can apply to your car. Try to scrub away the wax buildup using the dish liquid and water solution on a soft cloth. Make sure to scrub in a circular motion. Any type of laundry detergent can also be used in place of the dish liquid.
Make a water-and-alcohol solution that is half water and half rubbing alcohol. Apply with a soft cloth and circular motion. Then use your dish-liquid-and-water solution before using the water and alcohol solution again.