Although natural (Carnauba) wax can make a car beautiful, it can also ruin whatever cloth you use to apply it. Infiltrating the cloth's fiber matrix, the wax embeds itself and coats the fibers, making it very difficult to remove the stain if you don't know how. The procedure is actually simple--you just need a little bit of chemistry knowledge to get the job done right.
Bring 2 gallons of water to a low boil or high simmer on the stove.
Add 3 tablespoons of laundry detergent to the water, and watch for sudden over-boiling.
Drop stained rags into pot, one by one.
Stir rags continuously for 10 minutes with wooden spoon.
Immediately drop cloths into a washing machine pre-filled with hot water and the package-prescribed amount of laundry detergent.
Run washing machine through the wash, rinse and drain cycle at least two times.
Remove cloths, and soak in a bath of 75% rubbing alcohol and 25% water in 2-gallon pot for 10 minutes, stirring periodically.
Drop cloths back into washing machine, and run them through one more wash, rinse and drain cycle.
Allow cloths to air dry.