Ideas for Car Window Paint

Ideas for Car Window Paint

Car window paint is a unique way to decorate your car. There are many reasons that you might choose to decorate with paint on your car windows, and there are lots of different designs that you might want to make. You might want to illustrate with words of congratulations, special sayings or pictures.


  • Words of celebration are often the basis for car window paint ideas. Good celebration ideas might include painting "just married" and decorating the windows with hearts or doves or other signs of marriage. Another idea is to paint graduation messages, congratulations for a new baby or messages like "happy Valentines Day" on the windows. Other celebrations that you might use your car window art to convey include a specific team advancing in a competition, a sports team that has won some sort of award or congratulations for political offices or other types of elections.


  • Sayings are also popular car window paint ideas. Some sayings that might be found on car windows in paint might be "Will you Marry Me?" "Love is the Answer," "Don't forget to vote" or "In God We Trust." You can use all types of sayings, from religious quotes to song lyrics to book or movie quotations.


  • Other examples of car window paint ideas include actual art projects on your car windows. You might paint the faces of the people you want to congratulate, like a sports team or a graduating class. Window art might also include pictures of landscapes or famous art pieces. If you get very creative, you can do car window paint art that portrays pictures of people inside of the car. These can be unusual pieces of art that will cause traffic to stop and take a look.