Exposure to the elements can cause your car's paint to oxidize and become discolored. You can prevent oxidation, but if you let the process continue too far, you will have to repaint the vehicle to restore the finish. The best thing you can do is wash and wax the vehicle regularly to prevent oxidation before it starts.
Wash the entire car to remove dirt and grit from the surface of the paint. When it comes time to buff the paint, note that any grit left behind can scratch the paint.
Apply a high-quality polishing compound to the car using a clean, soft rag. Work in small areas and apply the compound using small circles.
Buff the area you applied the compound to with a low-speed, orbital buffer. Work in straight lines up and down the panel, moving slowly but not stopping in any one spot for more than a second or two.
Continue applying polishing compound and buffing it off as you work your way around the vehicle. If you have a section where the oxidation is being stubborn, you can work a little longer on that area, as long as you don't try to buff just that one spot. Keep the buffer moving.
Wax the entire car with high-quality automotive wax to protect the paint you just buffed.