If you wish to customize your car to add a style and design that is out of the ordinary, you might consider painting lace on your car. Doing so can cover up a bad paint job or simply add flair to the base coat of your vehicle. There are many different types of lace available, and the patterns are almost endless, as are the choices of spray paint color. This project has lots of possibilities based on your creativity and taste.
Choose the desired type of lace. Lace can be purchased at a fabric store, and there are a variety of patterns available.
Choose a color of spray paint. You can choose a color drastically different from the base color of your vehicle, or you can choose something more subtle depending on the effect you wish to achieve. Make sure the spray paint you purchase is approved for auto use.
Decide where you want the design on the vehicle: hood, sides, roof, trunk, etc. Cover the parts of the car you do not wish to paint with plastic to protect it from the airborne spray paint.
Tape the lace in the desired location.
Put on a mask to protect yourself from the spray paint fumes and gloves to avoid staining your hands. Spray over the lace in long, even strokes. If you are trying to cover a large area on your car, you might have to retape the lace and plastic a number of times in order to achieve the desired coverage.
Allow the paint to dry, and then carefully peel off the tape and lace.