Making black car paint shine is actually a function of car polish. Many individuals mistakenly believe that car wax makes black paint shine. But the wax only protects the clear coat. Keeping black paint looking "fresh" is quite challenging because it shows dirt very easy. This is why you should try to polish your car's black paint at least once every two weeks.
Apply a liberal amount of car polish on the surface of the car. You will want to work on one area at a time. For example, start with the front driver side fender, front passenger side door or the trunk. Then work your way around the entire vehicle.
Begin buffing the paint. Black paint will shine up nicely if you spend time polishing it. Don't force the buffer into the paint. Instead, set the buffer to the lowest setting and gradually increase the speed. Let the buffer and the polish do the work. If you press too hard into the paint, you'll destroy the clear coat and actually cause the paint to dull.
Wipe the car off with a clean, lint-free, towel.