All paint spray booths should have some method of filtering the exhausted air from the enclosed space. The fume and paint-filled air can not only be a severe toxin but also clog up any type of mechanical movements, such as fans. The paint exhaust may also pose a fire hazard. The airborne paint particles can quickly build up on fan blades, ruining the air movement efficiency. The built-up paint can also create a fire hazard as a small spark or high heat built up from a restricted fan can create a devastating fire. Many local pollution regulations may also prohibit the exhausting of certain types of paint into the surrounding atmosphere. This calls for some type of filtration device for the exhausted air from most paint booths.
Water filter systems are generally placed inside the exhausted air vent. The spray water system must be placed well before the exhaust fan so the suction of the fan does not draw water into the moving fan blades. Another consideration for the water spray booth exhaust system is the accessibility for adding fresh water to the water box and the proper disposal of the paint water waste. The water spray booth is an efficient method for removing the paint particles from the exhausted air. The water filter or spray effectively catches the particles in a stream of water and then flushes them through a water filtration system.
The spray or waterfall that catches the particles can be fashioned in any number of ways. Generally, a separate circulation pump moves water from a basin and flows the water through a series of nozzles. These nozzles are configured in such a way as to create a full spray or stream area in which the exhausted air must past through. As the exhausted air passes through this waterfall or spray, the larger paint particles are caught by the water and held in the stream. The water then falls into a catch basin to be reused. Generally, the basin is equipped with a series of overflow containers in which the heavier particles can be removed from the water before reentering the circulation pump. A series of simple flow filters can also be employed to capture and remove the paint particles from the water. These filters can then be properly disposed of through the waste stream system from the municipality.