How to Make Your Engine Shiny

How to Make Your Engine Shiny

A flashy auto exterior means little without a powerful engine to offer the performance that car-lovers crave. But in order to properly show off what's under the hood, you'll probably want an engine that shines. No owner should attempt to detail an engine that's dirty, so before beginning the detailing process, you'll need to give your engine a thorough cleaning. Once you've done that, you'll be able to detail your engine and give it an eye-catching shine.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleaning towels
  • Air compressor or hand brush
  • Plastic baggies
  • Rubber bands and tape
  • Degreaser
  • Hose and water hookup
  • Engine protectant
  • Rubber/vinyl protectant
  • Detail spray
  • Microfiber towel


  • Make sure that your engine has had time to cool fully. Then wipe away surface oil that may have gathered, especially around the brake cylinder and battery terminals.

  • Use an air compressor to blow out any debris that has collected in your engine, including leaves, grass and insect bodies. You can also use a hand brush if no air compressor is available or even a small can of compressed air, though this can be tedious and time-consuming.

  • Cover sensitive areas of the engine with plastic baggies. These areas include sensors, spark plug openings and electronics. Secure the baggies in place using rubber bands or tape.

  • Start the engine for a few minutes until it is warm but not hot. Apply an engine degreaser to loosen all oil residue. Petroleum-based degreasers can damage rubber and vinyl engine components, so try to find a degreaser that is water-based or citrus-based. Let it sit for three to five minutes once you've applied it to the whole engine.

  • Hose off the entire engine with a standard garden hose. High-pressure nozzles can help make this process more efficient, but exercise caution when using a high-pressure nozzle near the baggie-covered areas.

  • Use a clean, dry towel to dry off all the freshly cleaned engine parts. Remove the plastic bags and wait an additional 10 minutes to ensure that the engine is dry.


  • Apply an engine protectant on the engine's metal parts. Apply a rubber and vinyl protectant on all engine hoses, wires and plastic parts. This helps to protect all engine components and to extend the life of your engine.

  • Apply a detail spray to engine parts that you really want to shine.

  • Use a clean, microfiber towel to buff the protectant and the detail spray into the engine.