Auto Wax Recipes

Auto Wax Recipes

Commercial car waxes contain harsh chemicals that are not necessary to achieve that shiny look. In fact, auto owners can make their own car waxes at home with as little as four ingredients. Carnauba wax and beeswax are the two main ingredients in the wax recipe that not only produce a nice shine for your car, but also offer a layer of protection against bad weather conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 tbsp. Carnuaba wax
  • 2 tbsp. Beeswax
  • Double broiler
  • Water
  • 1 cup Linseed oil
  • 1/2 cup Vinegar
  • Empty wax container with lid
  • 1 1/2 cups Turpentine
  • 1 tbsp. Pine oil

Vinegar and Linseed Oil Wax

  • Place 4 tbsp. carnuaba wax and 2 tbsp. beeswax in the top portion of a double broiler. Pour water in the bottom portion.

  • Stir the two waxes together under high heat until they are completely melted.

  • Add 1 cup linseed oil and 1/2 cup vinegar to the wax mixture and stir to combine.

  • Remove the homemade auto wax from the heat and transfer it into an old wax container that has a lid. Set the lid over the wax once it has completely cooled.

Turpentine and Pine Oil Wax

  • Fill the bottom section of a double broiler with water. Add 4 tbsp. carnuaba wax and 2 tbsp. beeswax to the top portion of the double broiler.

  • Stir the two waxes together under high heat until they are completely melted.

  • Add 1 1/2 cups turpentine and 1 tbsp. pine oil to the wax mixture. Stir until the mixture is combined.

  • Turn off the heat. Remove the double broiler and transfer the new wax into an old wax container. Set a lid over the wax after it has completely cooled.