Often used as an accent on cars and appliances, chrome is a soft metal, usually applied in very thin layers. Though soft and easily scratched, chrome adds shine and style. Thankfully, cleaning it is easy and requires no expensive polishes or special cleaners, though those are certainly available.
Wash your chrome-plated object with clean water. Hose it off or run it under the sink to get the easiest layer of dust off.
Scrub the chrome with soap and water. Make sure you are using a clean, soft rag that will not scratch the chrome.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush on areas that are harder to reach or need a little more scrubbing power to clean.
Soak a new rag with vinegar and use that to scrub any parts that are still dirty after the soap and water. The acidity of vinegar will help clean the chrome, without causing any damage to the material.
Rinse the chrome off again with water.
Dry the chrome thoroughly with a clean rag to avoid water spots and stains.
Wax the chrome with a carnauba-based wax, following the instructions on the package.