When you purchase a new or used car from a lot, you’ll likely get it with a few strings attached. More often than not, car dealerships leave their logo or decal somewhere on the vehicle. This helps them by advertising where you bought your new car, but it can also be an eyesore. With any luck, the decal is a sticker. It’s cheaper to use stickers than to paint the logo onto the car. To remove a decal or logo from your car, all you’ll need is a little heat and patience.
Use a hairdryer set to low a few inches away from the logo. You don’t want the heat too close, otherwise it could burn the paint underneath. Follow the outside edge of the decal, moving from one side to the other so that you heat the middle as well. If the logo isn’t a single sticker but one sticker per letter, you’ll have to do this for each one. You can remove the heat after about three to five minutes.
Turn off your hairdryer once the sticker(s) begin to curl along the edges. With pliers or using your fingernails, slowly pull at the corners. Don’t scratch at it. Be careful as the surface of your car could still be hot. If the sticker gets stuck, apply more heat and try again. You’ll want to do this as slowly as possible so you don’t accidentally remove any of the paint on your car.
Pick off the small bits and pieces of sticker or glue that you can find with your fingers. Once a good portion of the decal is removed, you can use a rag with a little rubbing alcohol to wipe away the residue that is left on the car.