A sunroof deflector is an acrylic product that protects the open sun roof window from wind impact, dust and debris, while reducing noise for the driver and passengers. A sunroof deflector is usually glued or taped around the edges of a sunroof. 3M, a company that primarily manufactures office supplies, cleaning supplies, tapes and adhesives, produces super weatherstrip and gasket adhesive. This adhesive is used to bond sunroof deflectors to a vehicle. Whether you are completely removing the sunroof deflector and need to remove all of the adhesive, or a small amount of adhesive has dripped onto the vehicle during instillation, it's important to properly remove it so no damage is done to the vehicle's paint.
Apply a small amount of vinegar onto a rag or soft cloth.
Rub the vinegar directly onto the adhesive. Wet the cloth as needed. Continue rubbing until all residue is removed.
Dampen a cloth with water.
Rub on the area to remove vinegar residue. Dry the area with a rag or towel to prevent water spots.
Apply a liberal amount of a residue remover to a cloth or rag.
Rub the cloth directly onto the residue. Allow the remover to work its way into the residue by letting it sit for the amount of time specified on the manufacturer's packing label.
Wet a cloth in hot water. Rub the cloth to remove the residue and remover.
Repeat the steps until all of the residue is removed.
Use a rag or towel to dry the area to prevent water spots.