How to Clean Silicone Grease

How to Clean Silicone Grease

Commonly used in automotive and bicycle applications, silicone grease is a highly resilient and long lasting lubricant. The staying power can make silicone grease difficult to clean. Effectively remove silicone grease from a part or from a surface using a spray-on cleaning solvent. These solvents are typically safe on metal or plastic and will effectively saturate and break up the grease for easy removal.

Things You'll Need

  • Rags
  • Spray-on cleaning solvent
  • Plastic bristle scrub brush
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Blot up as much of the grease as possible with a dry rag. Try to only blot and pick up the grease and avoid smearing it around.

  • Put on rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation and saturate the greasy area with cleaning solvent. Scrub the part and get into any narrow areas with a plastic bristle scrub brush. If necessary, allow the solvent to sit for up to an hour.

  • Wipe away the residue with a clean, dry rag, and repeat this process if necessary.

  • Finish cleaning using a solution of warm water and dishwashing soap to remove the remaining film of solvent.