A bumper sticker is a great way to share your likes and dislikes, and even make a political statement. Unfortunately, not everyone will have those same views. When you are ready to sell your car, it is best to remove the bumper stickers so that the car will appeal to a wider audience. Removing the bumper stickers will require a little bit of elbow grease.
Spray your cloth with WD-40 until it is soaked. Press the cloth up against the bumper sticker and hold it there for two to three minutes. The WD-40 will lubricate the sticker so that it is easier to remove.
Peel the bumper sticker off as best as you can. You may not get the whole thing, but you should get a good amount of it.
Use the low heat setting on your blow dryer and gently blow the heat back and forth over the remaining parts of the bumper sticker. Heat can melt the adhesive a bit so that it comes loose.
Scrape the rest of the bumper sticker and the adhesive off with a rubber spatula. You may have a tiny bit of residue left after you have completed this step.
Pour vinegar over the remaining residue. Wait two to three minutes and then wipe the last of traces of the bumper sticker off with your cloth.