When you turn off your car at the end of a long drive, the hot exhaust gases float up to the top of the exhaust tubing and condense to form water. When you start up your car again a few hours later, water comes out of the tips, and sometimes it stays in the ends, forming rust. Rust on chrome isn't a good look, but it can be cleaned up fairly easily with a little bit of elbow grease and the right product.
Rub steel wool on the rusted area in a circular pattern to attempt to remove the rust.
Apply a quarter-sized dollop of chrome polish to the center of the steel wool. Lightly apply the polish to the rusted surface in a circular motion.
Rub the steel wool over the chrome polish and the exhaust tip aggressively, then remove any polish residue with a microfiber towel.
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the rust is removed.