If ever a scent evoked feelings of pride, the "new car smell" is it. Though many enjoy the scent, which has come to represent a new vehicle in all of its glory, many do not. Even worse, that much-desired smell often is the result of toxic chemicals that can result in a number of unhealthy side effects. Removing this fragrance is worth the time and effort, and it will let you and your family breathe a little easier.
Roll the windows down 1 to 2 inches and park the car in the sunshine on a warm day.
Let the car "bake" in the sun for as long as daylight permits. The heat will help draw out the chemicals, which will escape your vehicle since the windows are open.
Wipe down the interior of the car with a nontoxic cleaner or white vinegar and clean cloth.
Keep a dish of baking soda in the vehicle overnight. A bowl of white vinegar or coffee grounds will have the same effect.
Repeat this process until the smell fades.