Dead bugs covering your headlights can cause the lights to be less bright. The bugs can actually create a road hazard, because dimmer lights make it more difficult for you to see the road when you're driving at night. It's important to clean your headlights. The best way to maintain plastic is to clean it often. According to, plastic scratches easily, so it's important not to use any material that is rough or sharp, as this could damage the plastic headlight covers.
Spray a glass cleaner (like Windex) on your plastic headlight covers to remove dust and dirt.
Wipe the headlights with paper towels.
Squeeze a dime-sized amount of toothpaste onto the bristles of an old toothbrush.
Polish the headlights by moving the toothbrush over them in a circular motion. The toothbrush will help loosen any dead bugs that are stuck to the plastic.
Rinse the toothpaste off with water.
Dry the plastic headlight covers with paper towels.