Jeeps are one of the oldest off-road vehicle brands. You can choose whether to drive the car without a top, with a soft top or with a hard top. Usually, the car owner will change the top as the seasons progress and the temperatures change. Soft tops are usually used in the warmer months. They need some care and maintenance to keep them functional, but still need to be replaced every few years. With some knowledge on how to clean and protect your Jeep's soft cover, you can prolong its life span.
Clean the soft top whenever you see dirt accumulate on either the attached vinyl windows or the top surface. Clear any pebbles or sharp objects from the soft top with your hands to prevent tearing. Use warm water, a soft terry cloth and a dab of mild liquid dishwasher detergent to wash the dirt off the vinyl windows and canvas top. Allow top to dry completely before driving.
Apply a Jeep soft top cleaner and protector, like Raggtopp Protectant, to the windows and cover every 30 days. This will protect the windows from UV rays -- which cause yellowing and disintegration -- and the soft top from staining. You can buy these products online or at any Jeep dealer.
Store the soft top in a dry area when it's not in use. Cover the windows with a towel and then roll them up so the vinyl doesn't touch itself. This will prevent scratching.