Automotive paint finishes are resilient to all types of assaults, including splattered paint. However, car finishes aren't completely impervious to harsh cleaning chemicals and you must take great care when attempting to remove paint droplets from your automobile's surface. Paint-splatter removal requires only a smattering of common sense to be successful.
Treat the paint first as though it were water-based. Park the car in a shady location and allow the surface to cool for an hour or two. Soak a thick towel in hot water and lay the wet towel over the area containing the paint you want to remove. Leave the wet towel on the vehicle for 2 to 3 hours.
Remove the towel. Soak a soft polishing cloth in hot water and wipe across the paint with firm, even pressure. If the paint is water-based, it will wipe off the surface easily. If the paint remains, continue to Step 3.
Dampen a disposable cloth with mineral spirits. Begin lightly rubbing the outer portions of the paint splatter, making circles around the entire outer edge. Watch carefully for the paint to begin coming off the car's surface and then move slowly inward toward the center of the paint. Continue rubbing the surface until all the splattered paint has been removed.
Using a towel dipped in water, immediately wipe down the area where the paint was located and follow by wiping down with a clean, dry cloth to stop the action of the mineral spirits on your car's surface.
Apply several coats of car wax to replace the wax that might have rubbed off during removal of the splattered paint.