Commercial car polishes are not only expensive, they can be hazardous to the environment and the user's health. The material safety data sheet for one popular brand of car polish containing mineral spirits and petroleum distillates lists irritation to eyes and skin along with nausea as possible hazards. Are there safe, do-it-yourself car polish formulations that save money? Unlike many formulations on the Internet containing turpentine and other hazardous ingredients, these three metal polish recipes from Linda Mason Hunter and Lisa Halpin's "Green Cleen" (ISBN 13: 978-1-59591-004-2) will keep metal car surfaces shining without toxic polishes.
Wipe regular white toothpaste over the metal surface. Do not use gel toothpastes.
Rub with a soft cloth.
Remove excess car polish with a wet rag.
Buff with a clean, dry cloth.
Soak a cloth in vinegar and drape over the tarnished area for 10 minutes.
Wipe off area with a damp rag.
Buff with a clean, dry cloth.
Mix baking soda into a thick paste by adding a small amount of water.
Rub baking soda car polish on stainless steel surfaces.
Clean with a wet rag.
Rub rust stains with aluminum foil.
Mix three parts cream of tartar with one part hydrogen peroxide.
Wipe rust spots with the car polish paste.
Buff off with a clean cloth after the paste has dried.