If you have a tendency to take your dog riding in your car, he or she may have left behind an odor as a reminder of their car ride. Wet dogs, especially, leave an odor that is overpowering and obnoxious. If you’ve ever been caught in the rain with a dog, chances are that your car reeks of a wet pet smell. There are many solutions to absorbing this odor and they won’t break the bank.
Spray the interior with an air freshener. This is just a quick fix and will merely mask the original dog odor. Once the flowery scent leaves, the odor returns. You need to eliminate the odor, not mask it.
Absorb the odor with baking soda. Place small bowls of baking soda on the car’s floorboards and let it set overnight. If the dog odor is strong you may have to repeat the baking soda treatment a few times.
Slide a tray of charcoal briquets under the seats. Crush the charcoal briquets up and put them in a small tray or dish. If you are sure that they won’t slide around and make a mess, you can leave them in your car. If not, use the same method as with the baking soda.
Place slices of bread on the car seats. Put the slices of bread on a paper towel to avoid crumbs in your car. Leave the bread overnight, and then toss it to the birds.
Shampoo the interior. If all else fails, this may be your only option. Use a good quality pet odor shampoo and clean the interior thoroughly. Open all of the windows and doors and let the car air out on a nice sunny day.
Put blankets on your seats when you take your pet with you. Remove the blankets after each ride and wash them. Keep old towels in your trunk, in case you get caught in the rain. Dry the pet off and put the wet towels in a plastic bag in your trunk.