There are many different substances that might get spilled on your car seats. Some can be brushed away without a thought, but others can leave a nasty, unsightly stain behind. If you find a grease stain on your car seats, you need to act fast. The sooner you can get to the stain, the better. If you have leather car seats, it might be very easy to clean up the grease. Sometimes, soaking it up is all that's needed. However, if you can still see the grease after you soak it up, further action needs to be taken.
Use paper towel to soak up the standing grease. Avoid a rubbing motion. Blot instead.
Cover the remaining stain in white talcum powder. Be generous. You need to completely cover the stain and then some.
Allow the talcum powder to sit on the grease stain overnight, at least 12 hours.
Brush away the talcum powder carefully. It should have absorbed the grease, so when you remove the powder, the grease will come with it. Your car seats should now be restored.