How to Replace a Jeep Cherokee Headliner

How to Replace a Jeep Cherokee Headliner

After several years, the Jeep Cherokee overhead headliner may succumb to age and heat, causing it to sag and tear away from the roof of the vehicle. Mechanic shops do not perform these repairs, forcing you to go to an upholstery shop where a headliner replacement may cost you several hundred dollars. With a few household tools and a foam-backed headliner replacement, you can perform this repair yourself and for a fraction of the price.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Putty or Spackle knife
  • Utility knife
  • Table or large elevated working space
  • Household cleaning brush or barbecue grill brush
  • Aerosol glue
  • New foam-backed headliner material
  • Using the screwdriver, remove all screws holding the headliner trim in place. Remove screws from the sun visors, dome light and clothes hanger handles and hooks. The headliner board becomes detached from the roof once all screws are removed. Open the Jeep Cherokee rear hatch door and pull the headliner board out through the door.

  • Place the headliner board material side up when putting it on top of the table or elevated work area. Cut the headliner board material away from the headliner board using a utility knife.

  • Scrub and remove the dilapidated foam from the inside of the headliner board with the brush. You may want to start at one side and work your way across to the other until all foam has been removed.

  • Place the new headliner material across the headliner, foam side down, making sure that it is even on all sides. Allow the material to drape over the sides at least 3 to 4 inches to ensure you have ample material with which to work. Fold back one-half of the new headliner, foam side up, and evenly spray a thick coat of aerosol glue to both the foam side of the headliner and the headliner board. Replace the headliner material, glue side down, and smooth it out with the palm or back of your hand. Use a ruler to help smooth out the headliner material to ensure no air pockets form. Repeat this process with the remaining side of the headliner material.

  • Cut and remove excess material from the edges of the headliner board with the utility knife. Walk around the headliner board and cut away the holes for the visors and screws that are covered by the new headliner material.

  • Replace the headliner board inside the Jeep Cherokee after moving it into place through the rear hatch door. Align the headliner using the visors as markings. Replace all screws on the trim, visors and coat hangers.