The small grooves in your canvas convertible top provide an excellent hiding place for dirt and road grime. Everyday exposure to the elements cause the fabric to appear dull and worn. Clean your canvas convertible top with a product made specifically for fabric to keep it looking like new.
Rinse the convertible top thoroughly with a garden hose. Avoid spraying in one spot for an extended period of time, as the pressure may weaken the canvas threads.
Spray a generous amount of fabric convertible top cleaner on any dirty spots. Scrub the convertible top thoroughly with a soft-bristle brush. Clean in small, circular motions to dislodge any dirt.
Rinse the canvas convertible top with the garden hose until all of the soap residue is gone.
Apply a small amount of rubber preservative to a soft cloth or towel according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rub the cloth over the convertible top to protect and restore the canvas. Wipe away any excess with a clean section of the cloth.