How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet

How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle helmets are necessary to protect your head from injury in case of a crash. They are expensive, so you want them to last as long as possible. After awhile, the helmet will begin to get dirty and might even smell. Cleaning it is not that difficult and can keep your helmet looking new.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Wash cloth
  • Windex
  • Paper towel
  • Helmet Fresh
  • Mix a teaspoon of dish soap with a dish pan of hot water. Use a clean white washcloth to work the soapy water into the inside fabric of the motorcycle helmet. This will get the oils up and out of the fabric.

  • Set the helmet out to dry, but don't put it in the sun. The sun could fade the color of the outside of the helmet.

  • Spray Windex on the outside of the helmet and wipe it down with some paper towels. You might also use the Windex to spray and clean the visor of the helmet if you have one.

  • Spray Helmet Fresh inside of the helmet onto the fabric. Helmet Fresh is designed to get rid of any odors and eliminate any bacteria or mildew that might have started growing. It is nontoxic and safe to use on a daily basis.