When you are trying to clean tar off your chrome pipes, the first thing you must do is to avoid the temptation to drive the bike to heat the tar up. If you reheat the tar, it will become baked on and it will be even harder to remove. Instead, you should gently scrape off as much of the tar as possible using your fingernails. You can use a screwdriver with a towel wrapped around the tip. However, don't press too hard, as this may scratch the chrome.
Spray penetrating oil onto a clean paper towel. Drape this over the tar spot. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Ensure that it doesn't touch paint, as it may damage it. After the 10 minutes is over, remove the paper towel. Wipe the tar spot with a clean towel. If there is still tar on the pipe, repeat the process. You may find that the chrome is hazy when you are done. This can be taken care of with a quick polishing job using a red compounding cream.
Using diesel or gasoline on your chrome pipes should be the method of last resort if penetrating oil didn't work. If you use this method, the bike should be completely cooled. Additionally, all paint and other surfaces near the chrome should be protected using plastic sheets secured with masking tape because the gasoline or diesel will damage them. You must wear gloves when you do this. Pour the gasoline or diesel onto a clean towel. Gently rub the tar with the towel. Take care not to let the towel or liquid set long on the chrome, as it will cause pitting. You must thoroughly rinse the chrome off when finished. Some areas have codes against doing this, as it will damage the ecosystem. Call your local code enforcement office to find out if this is the case in your area. When you are done, be sure to rinse the towel, soak it in laundry detergent and dispose of it in a responsible manner according to the local disposal laws.