The Appropriate Tire Pressure for a 2014 Subaru Legacy

The Appropriate Tire Pressure for a 2014 Subaru Legacy

Your 2014 Subaru Legacy comes with a tire pressure monitoring system that warns you when your tire pressures drop below a preset level. This warning system lets you know it’s time to pull into a service station and either add some air to that sagging shoe or pull over and install the doughnut in the trunk. The problem is, it gives you no advice or guidance on how much air you need. If you have a flat tire, tire pressure isn’t much of an issue until you can have it repaired, but if it’s just running low, you need to know when to pull the hose away from the valve stem.

Working Under Pressure

  • Tire pressures are found in your owner’s manual. The TPM system kicks in as the pressure in any of your Legacy’s tires drops into the range between 26 and 27 pounds per square inch. If all of your tires stay above 29 psi, the warning light stays off, so the optimum pressure is 29 psi or higher. Remember, though, the more air you put in your tires, the rougher your ride. Never exceed the pressure stamped on the sidewall of the tire.