Chevrolet produced two different variations of the 2.2-liter S-10 pickup. One model type used the typical spark plug and wire system that connects into coil packs; the other featured coils above the spark plugs with no spark plug wires. The S-10's spark plugs should be changed as part of a regular tuneup to maintain engine performance and fuel efficiency.
Unbolt the negative battery cable from the battery terminal with the socket wrench and set the cable off to the side.
Detach the spark plug wires from the coil packs on the valve cover in the engine compartment. Pull the wires free from the spark plugs in the cylinder head.
Unplug the spark plugs with a spark plug socket and socket wrench.
Set the spark plug gap at 0.45 mm on a new spark plug, and plug the new spark plug into the cylinder head.
Apply a dab of dielectric grease inside the end caps on the replacement spark plug wire. Plug one end of the wire into the coil terminal and connect the other end of the wire into the top of the spark plug.
Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to install the remaining three spark plugs and spark plug wires.
Connect the negative battery cable onto the negative terminal on the battery. Start the S-10 to make sure the engine turns over and runs normally.