A permanent paint booth is an expensive operation. You can save a lot of money on labor by painting your truck or boat in a homemade spray booth. It is possible to build a simple and effective paint booth in an afternoon. One inch PVC pipe is the skeleton of the booth and plastic sheeting acts as the walls. Add a fan for ventilation, and you are good to go. After you have painted, the booth can be disassembled and stored for another use. The materials are all found at your local home improvement store.
Cut the lengths of the booth to size using a utility knife. Arrange the pieces on the ground. Make sure every three-foot section is supported with a cross beam.
Slide the connectors on to the ends of the PVC pipes to create one wall. Make the opposite side. Attach the two sides together to create the back wall and top.
Lay out the plastic sheeting. Roll it out and unfold it. Start at the front left side and wrap the plastic around the back. Cut the plastic and tape it to itself by folding it over and use packing tape on the entire length.
Use a ladder and attach the top of the booth. Fold the plastic around the sides and tape it down.
Create the "door." Stretch a piece of plastic sheeting across the front of the booth about two-thirds of the length. Do the same on the opposite side.
Cut the hole for ventilation. Ideally, you would want to have the fan on top to shoot the fumes out, but for this quick project, a box fan on the floor will work. Cut a square hole out of the plastic on one side of the booth closest to the outside. Tape all around it. Make sure the fan has secure footing.
Lay down the floor. Tape pieces of sheeting together and pull it out from the bottom of your booth all around.