Replacing the float valve and seat of the Walbro carburetor is a job that takes a steady hand, but is not difficult to do. The interior parts of the carburetor are small, making it challenging to replace them. The float valve and seat are responsible for allowing the proper amount of fuel to pass into the carburetor for it to run properly. Replacing the parts can be done with just a couple of shop tools in about thirty minutes.
Identify the needle valve lever assembly on the backside of the Walbro carburetor.
Remove the needle valve lever assembly from the side of the carburetor by unfastening the lever assembly with a small flat head screwdriver.
Take the float needle valve out of the carburetor with a pair of needle nose pliers and lift the needle valve seat out of the needle nose pliers.
Place a new needle seat in the carburetor with the pliers and set the new float needle valve in the carburetor so it sits on top of the needle seat.
Attach the new needle valve lever assembly over the top of the new float needle valve on the Walbro carburetor, securing it with the screwdriver.