The Torque Specifications for the Rear Wheel Axle on a 2001 Softail

The Torque Specifications for the Rear Wheel Axle on a 2001 Softail

The Harley Davidson FXST series of motorcycles, also know as the Softail line, are the company's second-largest chassis. Many factory and aftermarket wheels and tires are available for customizing a Softail. When a rear wheel is installed, the rear axle torque nut needs to be torqued to the proper setting.

Parts Preperation

  • Soak the rear axle nut and any spacers and washers in automotive parts cleaner. Clean parts insure that there will be no dirt, grit or oil in the threads when you reassemble the axle assembly. Wipe the parts dry before reassembly. Inspect the axle, axle nut and any spacers or washers for damage, paying careful attention to the axle and nut threads.

Right Side Axle Components

  • Install the rear wheel, axle, axle adjuster, spacers and washers. Start from the right side of the bike and slide the first adjuster over the axle. Insert the axle through fork in the swingarm, rear caliper bracket, short wheel bearing spacer and brake disc and wheel.

Left Side Axle Components

  • As the axle pokes through the left side of the wheel, insert it through the belt sprocket, long wheel spacer and left side swingarm fork. Slide the second (left side) axle adjuster over the axle, then install the axle nut by hand. Do not tighten the axle nut yet.

Align The Rear Wheel and Torque The Nut

  • Align the rear wheel using the threaded bolts on the adjusters. Turn the adjusters in or out on either side to align the wheel and achieve proper belt tension. Lock the jam nut on each adjuster. Use the torque wrench and a 36 mm socket to tighten the axle nut to 60-65 foot-pounds of torque.

Test Ride

  • Take the motorcycle for a short test ride. Re-torque the axle nut to make sure it has not loosened after initial installation.