The Kawasaki Mule is an off-road vehicle with the engine mounted in the back, underneath the frame. The alternator is mounted to the bottom of the engine with bolts and can be removed and replaced with common shop tools. Removing the alternator of the Mule is a fairly simple process because it is easily accessible. You can save time and money by replacing the alternator yourself.
Locate the Mule alternator at the rear of the vehicle near the bottom of the engine. Unfasten the negative battery cable of the vehicle from the battery post with an open-end wrench.
Loosen the two bolts that secure the alternator to the engine bracket with a socket wrench and slide the bolts out of the bracket by hand. Use a nut driver to disconnect the nut that secures the electrical wiring harness to the side of the alternator, and remove the wiring harness from the alternator.
Take the alternator off the engine bracket and remove the pulley belt from the alternator pulley. Remove the alternator from the Mule engine.
Attach the electrical wiring harness to the new alternator with the nut, and place the belt around the alternator pulley. Fasten the new alternator to the engine bracket with the bolts, leaving them just loose enough to move the alternator on the bracket.
Pull back on the alternator with a small pry bar gently to apply tension to the alternator belt and tighten the bolts while applying the tension. Reattach the negative battery cable of the Mule vehicle to the battery post.