Timing belt malfunctions can happen at any time. If chance occurs and your belt decides to conk out while you are driving you could be put into a dangerous situation. Fortunately, proper timing belt maintenance and replacement when necessary will greatly reduce the chances of a timing belt-related accident in your 2004 Toyota Tacoma 2.7 liter.
Turn the engine off. Find the hood opening switch, which is to the bottom right of the steering wheel and marked with a black and white picture of a hood opening. Pull back the switch and make your way to the front of the vehicle. Pull up and prop open the hood tightly. Remove the negative cable connected to your car battery. Make sure that you have your radio PIN code because removing the battery connector will reset your radio console, and in order to use your radio, you will need the PIN.
Locate the distributor cap; you can identify this cap by the letters TDC printed on the top. Generally, the cap will be on one of the first three pistons on the left side of the engine. Use your adjustable socket or wrench to open up the TDC cap slowly until it aligns with the "1" position on the outside portion of the TDC cap.
Check that the distributor rotor is lined up with the "1" line on the distributor housing, which tells you the rotor is close to being in the proper position to use the first through third cylinders. Rotate the pistons another couple of times to make sure everything is running correctly.
Remove the plastic and rubber housing that prevents access to the timing belt apparatus slowly by pulling each individual rubber molding piece out one at a time. Place the housing aside, you will need to replace it later.
Remove the timing belt from under the housing and place aside. Pull your replacement timing belt over the rollers and make sure they are on securely and attached very well. Replace the plastic rubber housing and close the hood. Turn your vehicle on and off three times over an hour period and leave it on to make sure the belt is working correctly.