How to Resurface Engine Blocks

How to Resurface Engine Blocks

The engine block is where the cylinders and cooling ducts of a vehicle's engine are located. Keeping the block surfaced to the manufacturer's specifications is vital, as an improperly maintained block can lead to cold sealing or durability issues with the head gasket. The typical roughness average (RA) recommended by manufacturers is between 30 and 110, and getting the block between these two marks can be accomplished with a belt sander and a few tools.

Things You'll Need

  • 40-grit silicon carbide sanding belt
  • Belt sander
  • Power outlet
  • Dial comparator gage
  • Attach the 40-grit silicon carbide sanding belt to the belt sander by hand, and plug the sander into a power outlet.

  • Turn the sander on and run the carbide belt against the entire engine block to resurface it; gently apply downward pressure to the belt as the sander runs over the block.

  • Check the RA of the block with the comparator gauge. Attach to the block. The dial will indicate the setting. Ensure the reading is consistent with manufacturers recommendations to ensure proper maintenance of the vehicle.