When functioning properly, the starter solenoid carries the flow of power from the battery to the starter after the key in the ignition has been turned over. By jumping the solenoid you are bypassing the solenoid to directly transfer power from the battery into the starter. Jumping your solenoid can help you test the function of the solenoid or it can be used in emergency situations to start your vehicle. Only use this procedure in these specific situations and only perform the jumping for as long as you require to get the engine started.
Wear rubber gloves and shoes with rubber soles like sneakers or work boots. The rubber insulates and protects you from the electric spark you will be creating. This is essential for your safety.
Locate the starter solenoid on the inner fender wall. The solenoid is a plastic covered cylinder roughly 6 inches in diameter with two cables attached to it. The exact location on the inner fender will vary in different Ford models. If you are having difficulty locating the solenoid, consult the service manual for your specific vehicle model.
Scrape corrosion off of the terminals on the battery and the starter with the wire brush.
Insert your key into the ignition switch and rotate it clockwise until you reach the starting position.
Touch the metal ends of the screwdrivers to the starter terminals by crossing the screwdrivers over one another making an "X." This will create a spark that is powerful enough to spot weld the screwdrivers together, so be sure to pull the screwdrivers apart immediately as the engine starts.