Replacing your vehicle's automatic shifter is something that needs to be done every once in a while from overuse. The button you push in to engage the automatic shifter often becomes stuck temporarily or even permanently. Replacement automatic shifters are available from your dealership and installing them only takes a few minutes without much auto repair experience.
Turn your ignition key to the "A/C" mode. This is one click clockwise.
Pull the emergency brake up to engage it.
Put the car in "Drive" to have access to the front of the automatic shifter.
Remove the single screw on the front of the automatic shifter using the Phillips head screwdriver.
Pull up firmly on the automatic shifter and it will pop off. Carefully cut the two wires at the top of their connections to the automatic shifter.
Twist the corresponding wires of the new automatic shifter to the wires you just cut. Place the new automatic shifter over top of the shift rod and push it into place.
Reattach the screw and tighten it. Place the car back into "Park" and turn the ignition to the "Off" position.