The Toyota Motor Company has produced trucks since 1937. You can remove the dashboard from your Toyota truck right from home using a few automotive tools. Just take care when removing the dash from the vehicle so you don't rip any carpeting or upholstery. If your dash is a dark color, it may become cracked or faded over time or due to sun damage, requiring replacement. Or perhaps you need to access the electronics behind the dash. Whatever the reason, this time-consuming task is nevertheless doable by the home mechanic.
Remove the ashtray from the dash by pulling down on the retainer and sliding it out.
Pry off the radio's bezel with a slotted screwdriver.
Open both front doors, and remove the bolts on the sides of the dashboard with a socket wrench.
Locate the kick panels on the lower part of the dashboard on both the driver's and passenger's sides. Remove all of the bolts with a socket wrench, and remove the kick panels.
Find the trim on the outside part of the dash, and pry it up with a trim removal tool. Work your way around the perimeter of the dashboard. Remove the trim from the vehicle.
Pull the dashboard toward you, and unplug the wiring harness behind it. Lift up on the dash, and slide it out the passenger door.